We Treat Schizophrenia


A disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave clearly.

The exact cause of schizophrenia isn’t known, but a combination of genetics, environment, and altered brain chemistry and structure may play a role.

Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.

Treatment is usually lifelong and often involves a combination of medications, psychotherapy, and coordinated specialty care services.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

  • • Hallucinations: When a person sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels things that are not actually there.
  • • Delusions: When a person has strong beliefs that are not true and may seem irrational to others.
  • • Thought disorder: When a person has ways of thinking that are unusual or illogical.
  • • Depression, social withdrawal.
  • • Hostility or suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism.
  • • Deterioration of personal hygiene.
  • • Flat, expressionless gaze.
  • • Inability to cry or express joy or inappropriate laughter or crying.
  • • Oversleeping or insomnia; forgetful, unable to concentrate.
  • • Odd or irrational statements; strange use of words or way of speaking.

What can I do?

Most mental health disorders can be treated through psychotherapy (talk therapy), medication management, or a combination of these two treatments. At A Better Outlook Psychiatry & Addiction, we specialize in treatments focused on medications, but also provide counseling therapy when appropriate. We may refer one of our community partners to you if you require or desire more intensive talk therapy. We can also review the evidence surrounding alternative and complementary treatment options such as herbal supplements.

Your first step is to contact our office for a new patient evaluation. Our providers will not attempt to sell you on or force you to any specific treatment. Think of your first appointment as an education about your diagnosis as well as the most up-to-date and evidence-based treatment options.